Sunday, June 28, 2009

Finger Exercises

Lately, the boys have been into learning and dialing my phone number. A lot. Yesterday, I was away from the house for 2-3 hours running some errands. When I got back, I had a voicemail. Er, rather, 11 voicemails. All from Beeju. And every one of them was fun to listen to. Sometimes he would be genuinely surprised ("Huh?!? that you?"). Other times he was frustrated ("Daddy says he'll call me back. Again! Why does he keep saying that?"). I guess I need to teach him my cell phone number.

Of course, before I had even listened to all the messages, he called again. We chatted and chatted and chatted. Then, as is usual, he passed the phone to Peanut. And, in standard little brother protocol, Sammy says, "I want to dial your phone number too." So he hangs up and dials my number so we can talk. About 30 minutes later, the phone rang again. And so the day went.

By late afternoon, Noah was insisting that I come over. Of course I would be all over that. But one cannot invite one's self over. In the end, we met up at the boys' favorite place - Jamba Juice. We had our usual Orange Dream Machines and then the boys talked Amy into letting them come over and spend the night at my place. I felt bad for her, because it's her weekend. But it's hard to tell a puppy-dog-eyed little boy that he can't spend the night with his daddy.

I love that my boys want to talk to me so much. I hope that never changes. I know there will likely be lean years when they're teenagers. But I hope they always know how important they are to me and how much I love our chats. Whether something good happens or something bad happens or nothing much at all happens, I hope they'll always want to dial Papa's number and tell him all about it.

In parting, here are two random shots of the boys....
Nutty doing his favorite thing these days...a puzzle.
Beeju pretending to have fallen asleep while getting in his jammies. Of course, Mr. Silly can't keep a straight face for long. You can already see his pursed lips trying to keep the laughs in. 2 seconds later, he was busting up. P.S. Nice swimmer's tan going on, Little Man.


Christie said...

What a good Dad, I too wait,tearfully, for the day that mine aren't excited to talk with me till then suck up every minute of it. Your doing a great job!!

Alisha said...

So glad you got a sleepover last night. What a treat!