Sunday, May 31, 2009

Getting to Know Beeju

For those of you who haven't been around Noah much, let me tell you something about him. He has the most incredibly tender heart. He may very well be the sweetest person I've ever known. (But then, one of the other "top 5 sweetest people" on my list is a convicted murderer, so maybe my judgment isn't the best, but that's not the point.) He also loves his Mama and Papa as much as any child in history. I simply cannot adequately express my love for that boy. I daydream about our time together all day and would go to the ends of the world to spare his tender heart from any pain. He is going to make one outstanding and caring daddy some day. I hope I can be half the man he's going to grow up to be.

One of my favorite things about him is that he loves to do exactly what I'm doing. For example, he insists that I wake him up when I'm getting ready for work, and it's time for breakfast. He'll be genuinely disappointed if I just let him sleep. Then, of course, he wants to eat whatever I'm eating - vitamins and all. If I eat standing up, he'll eat standing up right by my side. If I eat sitting down, he'll do the same in the chair next to me. When I stop to take a drink, he stops and takes a drink. You get the idea. Then, when we're done eating and I go to finish getting ready, he'll cozy up on the couch, and I'll put on one of his favorite shows for him. Here's a glimpse of Mini Me in all his cozy glory. Then a few other random shots of my favorite 4-year-old.

Say hi to my Beeju. Mister Silly and master of my universe.

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