Sunday, July 5, 2009

En Fuego

Out of the blue, Beeju just said (with a lot of concern in his voice), "Dad, is our church burning down?" I learned a long time ago not to be too surprised by any questions from a 4 year old, but that one caught me off guard a little. So I said, "No, Champ, our church isn't burning down. Why do you say that?" He responds, "When you were talking to Mama on the phone earlier, you said there was a fire on the side of it." Ahhh, and then it all makes sense. We went to a "fireside" at the church this evening. Hence the deep question. I'm happy to report that no burning took place tonight.

That reminds me of another random Beeju question. We were in the car driving to the beach a couple of months ago when Beeju says, "Dad, who lives on Mars?" After a brief pause, I said, "I don't think anyone lives on Mars, Champ." To which he immediately responded with an incredulous, "Oh come onnnnnnn, Dad! SOMEONE lives on Mars." Can't really argue with that kind of logic. So I didn't even try.

1 comment:

Shel said...

Out of the mouth of babes!