November 3 (pm) and November 4 (am) - I haven't posted anything in ages, so this is my attempt to get back on track. Just a couple of quick pics of Noah's first special homework assignment of his young career. His teacher wanted the kids and their families to work together on creatively decorating a turkey they were each given on construction paper.
I was both excited and nervous to work on this with him. First problem: uh, zippo legitimate craft supplies in my house. So the kids and I had to pitstop at a couple of stores to stock up. Second problem: Papa's a dude with very little craft creativity. I have few qualities that can seriously compete with my inability to sing on-key for "Most Obvious Void" in my talent spectrum. But my lack of art skills is one of them.
Fortunately, this was a kindergarten project. Papa can do kindergarten. So we pulled out whatever crafty type materials we could find, along with an eclectic mix of cotton balls, yarn, fishies, marshmallows, candy corn and straws. Next thing you know, we've got ourselves one bad mother turkey. Beeju's favorite part: giving the turkey eye ball legs and feet. He thought that was hysterical. Dad's favorite part: eating 10 marshmallows and 10 fishies for every one that made it onto the fowl. I refer to it as "product research."
I'm kinda diggin' this art stuff. Bring on the next project!

That is one proud little man holding his turkey. And that is one absurdly proud daddy holding the camera. Best part was the time together. The turkey just took care of itself.
An up-close of the glittery gobble gobble.

Hot diggity do da... that is one wowzuga of an amazing turkey!!! I love it!! I agree it is the time together that you value more than anything, although impressing the pants off the teacher doesn't hurt either ;) I know where to send Daniel for his next art project... that ROCKS like big time!!
Not crafty -- my goodness that is craftier than anything I have every attempted! Good job! His turkey probably wowed the whole class.
I am very impressed! That is one fine looking turkey the two of you created! And I'm sure the time together was the best part of the whole project.
FYI, should you need craft supplies in the future, come check out my supply first. I have tons of stuff languishing in my closet, just waiting to be used.
I made 4 of these so far and well, you out did me!! Great job! I think you need to give yourself a little more crafty credit!
I saw your title on the side of Kristie's blog and couldn't resist commenting. Anyone who quotes Beastie Boys is either a kindred spirit or about the same age as me. I'm going with kindred spirit.
Sarah - I was beginning to think that no one would get the BB reference. Those songs always bring back memories of pre-teen and teen years. There's nothing like a group of punk Deacons belting out every word of "Girls" (From White Castle to the Nile!) at all hours of the night while their leaders are trying to sleep on a campout. What can I say? We had to fight. For our right. To paaaarty.
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